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Queer People are Dancing, Spitting, and Pissing on Pat Robertson's Grave

Jan 12, 2024

ByHenry Giardina

Today, the gay Internet is more joyful than we’ve seen since perhaps the death of Antonin Scalia. The reason? Well because ding dong, yet another witch is dead. This time, it's none other than religious right pundit Pat Robertson. And folks are absolutely dancing on the anti-gay Baptist minister's grave.

The Queen is dead, but perhaps not gone.

In case anyone needed a refresher, Robertson founded the Christian Broadcasting Network, believed that feminism was the devil and that the September 11th attacks were divinely ordained. So if you’re asking whether or not we’ll miss him, the answer is a resounding hell no!

The reception to Robertson's death has been warm: you might call Twitter's response the definition of "we love to see it."

Whipped this up to celebrate Pat Robertson burning in hell 😌

Nothing says Pride like the death of a proto-Hillsong preacher!

P atR obertsonI sD eadE verybody 🙂

NYC is losing it over the Pat Robertson news

Let's not forget this fabulous tidbit:

pat robertson in 2013 saying gay men wear a spiky ring that cuts your finger when you shake their hands so they can purposely give you HIV

Robertson didn't just pave the way for Christians aligning themselves with anti-gay hate: he was the Matt Walsh of his day.

20 years ago, gay marriage bans swept the United States.Pat Robertson was on TV, every major news network, fueling them with his fundamentalist rhetoric.He was the Matt Walsh of that fight.He will not be missed, nor will his replacements in today's war against trans people.

I’m old enough to remember when Pat Robertson said they Haitians were responsible for the 2010 earthquake because they made a devil pact for freedom. It's sweet that he died during Pride.

It's kismet, it's bashert: it's everything.

If Pat Robertson didn't want his enemies dancing on his grave he could simply have chosen not to die during Pride Month

Pat Robertson: I’m pro-lifeGod: I’m not

The only appropriate Pat Robertson obituary

in celebration of pat robertson's death, here are all of freeform's sign-offs/sign-ons before/after the 700 club

RIP Pat Robertson, I vow that one day society will realize your beautiful dream

We’ll see you in hell, Pat.

if i die and go to heaven and pat robertson is there i'm going to shit in my hand and throw it at god